Local lodging & restaurants
The Office of Admission and Enrollment has a fantastic list of area hotels, many of which offer a special UT Dallas rate: enroll.utdallas.edu/visit/area-hotels.
On-Campus Options
From the Dining Hall to Panda Express and Halal Shack, there are tons of places to eat on campus! Check out dineoncampus.com/utdallasdining for a full list of open dining locations.
Off-Campus Options
Richardson has a wide variety of restaurants to satisfy your every craving. Here are some that our Housing staff recommends within a 5-minute drive from campus. Don’t forget to ask if they provide discounts for UT Dallas students!
(We limited our recommendations to 10 restaurants per category, but there are so many more great places to eat! A quick Google Maps search for area restaurants will pull up a more extensive list.)
* Denotes Housing staff favorites