First-Year Housing

Students helping with the move-in process

First-year students who want to live on campus reside in one of our University Commons residence halls. First-year students are those who graduate high school in May or June prior to their first semester at UT Dallas.

Housing Assignments

Suite assignments for the fall semester will be sent to your UT Dallas email address in July. Names and emails of roommates will be included. Assignments will not be released over the phone.

First-year students who are admitted for summer or spring will be provided with move-in information from University Housing staff.

Roommate Assignments

  • Roommates are assigned based on gender and space availability. All buildings are coed; individual suites are not.
  • Applicants will be given priority based on availability and according to the date and time the completed application and fees are submitted (prior to April 15).
  • Every effort is made to place students who mutually request each other as roommates into the same suite. There are many different factors considered when assigning roommates, including, but not limited to, Honors College, LLC acceptance, and date of application. While roommate groups are not guaranteed, we do our best to honor as many requests as possible.
  • If no roommate is requested, students will be matched based on answers to questions on their housing applications and the date of their completed application.
  • Assignments are made without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or veteran status.
  • Living Learning Community selection overrides roommate requests and Honors Housing.
  • University Housing reserves the right to make housing assignment changes as necessary.

Application Process

Applicants who do not submit a completed application will not be eligible to receive a housing assignment. On campus housing for first-year students is not guaranteed. UT Dallas does not have a live-on requirement for first-year students.

The priority application deadline is April 15, 2025. All completed applications received prior to that deadline receive priority based on the date of application. After April 15, consideration is given based on the date of application and proximity to campus.

Click here for an overview of the First-Year Application. (Stay tuned for parts 2 & 3 coming in late Spring 2025!)

  • Students must be admitted to the University before they can apply for housing. Visit the Enrollment Services website to apply for admission to UT Dallas.
  • Complete the housing application online. Please note the $100 administrative fee is non-refundable.

After Submitting Your Application

Applications will be given priority based on availability and according to the time and date that the application is considered complete. A complete application consists of the completed application, the signed housing agreement, and the $100 administrative fee payment. For students who will not be 18 years old prior to move-in, a parent or legal guardian will need to sign the housing agreement on their behalf.

First-Year Housing Policies

2025-2026 Cancellation Policy

Residents who cancel their housing agreement are subject to the Cancellation Policy found in their University Housing Terms and Conditions. Read the Cancellation Policy.

Prior to occupancy:

  • All cancellations must be submitted through the Cancellation form available in the MyHousing portal.
  • In all cases, the $100 administrative fee is nonrefundable.
Residence Hall Policies

Refer to the Resident Handbook and the Student Code of Conduct page for policy information.


The maximum occupancy for three-bedroom suites is three occupants.

Housing Payment

Residents will have their housing charge placed on their student account through the Bursars Office. For information regarding payment methods and deadlines, visit the Bursars Office website.


It is recommended that students obtain personal property, renters, or other applicable insurance. The University of Texas at Dallas does not assume any legal obligations for personal injury, loss, or damage to personal property.